4. Release Notes for Buildbot |version|

The following are the release notes for Buildbot |version|.

See Upgrading to Nine for a guide to upgrading from 0.8.x to 0.9.x

4.1. Master

4.1.1. Features

4.1.2. Fixes

4.1.3. Changes for Developers

4.1.4. Features

4.1.5. Fixes

4.1.6. Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

4.2. Worker

4.2.1. Fixes

4.2.2. Changes for Developers

4.2.3. Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

4.3. Details

For a more detailed description of the changes made in this version, see the git log itself:

git log v0.9.0rc4..master