4. Release Notes for Buildbot |version|

The following are the release notes for Buildbot |version|.

See Upgrading to Nine for a guide to upgrading from 0.8.x to 0.9.x

4.1. Master

  • Add support for hyper.sh via HyperLatentWorker Hyper is a CaaS solution for hosting docker container in the cloud, billed to the second. It forms a very cost efficient solution to run your CI in the cloud.

4.1.1. Features

  • The Trigger step now supports unimportantSchedulerNames
  • add a UI button to allow to cancel the whole queue for a builder
  • Buildbot log viewer now support 256 colors ANSI codes
  • new GitHub which correctly checkout the magic branch like refs/pull/xx/merge.
  • MailNotifier now supports a schedulers constructor argument that allows you to send mail only for builds triggered by the specified list of schedulers.
  • MailNotifier now supports a branches constructor argument that allows you to send mail only for builds triggered by the specified list of branches.
  • Optimization of the data api filtering, sorting and paging, speeding up a lot the UI when the master has lots of builds.

4.1.2. Fixes

  • fix the UI to allow to cancel a buildrequest (bug #3582)
  • GitHub change hook now correctly use the refs/pull/xx/merge branch for testing PRs.
  • Fix the UI to better adapt to different screen width (bug #3614)

4.1.3. Changes for Developers

4.1.4. Features

4.1.5. Fixes

4.1.6. Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

  • By default, non-distinct commits received via buildbot.status.web.hooks.github.GitHubEventHandler now get recorded as a Change. In this way, a commit pushed to a branch that is not being watched (e.g. a dev branch) will still get acted on when it is later pushed to a branch that is being watched (e.g. master). In the past, such a commit would get ignored and not built because it was non-distinct. To disable this behavior and revert to the old behavior, install a ChangeFilter that checks the github_distinct property:
ChangeFilter(filter_fn=lambda c: c.properties.getProperty('github_distinct'))
  • setup.py 'scripts' have been converted to console_scripts entry point. This makes them more portable and compatible with wheel format. Most consequences are for the windows users:
    • buildbot.bat does not exist anymore, and is replaced by buildbot.exe, which is generated by the console_script entrypoint.
    • buildbot_service.py is replaced by buildbot_windows_service.exe, which is generated by the console_script entrypoint As this script has been written in 2006, has only inline documentation and no unit tests, it is not guaranteed to be working. Please help improving the windows situation.

4.2. Buildslave

4.2.1. Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

4.3. Worker

4.3.1. Fixes

4.3.2. Changes for Developers

4.3.3. Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

  • setup.py 'scripts' have been converted to console_scripts entry point. This makes them more portable and compatible with wheel format. Most consequences are for the windows users:
    • buildbot_worker.bat does not exist anymore, and is replaced by buildbot_worker.exe, which is generated by the console_script entrypoint.
    • buildbot_service.py is replaced by buildbot_worker_windows_service.exe, which is generated by the console_script entrypoint As this script has been written in 2006, has only inline documentation and no unit tests, it is not guaranteed to be working. Please help improving the windows situation.

4.4. Details

For a more detailed description of the changes made in this version, see the git log itself:

git log v0.9.0rc1..master