Utilities ========= .. py:module:: buildbot.util Several small utilities are available at the top-level :mod:`buildbot.util` package. .. py:function:: naturalSort(list) :param list: list of strings :returns: sorted strings This function sorts strings "naturally", with embedded numbers sorted numerically. This ordering is good for objects which might have a numeric suffix, e.g., ``winslave1``, ``winslave2`` .. py:function:: formatInterval(interval) :param interval: duration in seconds :returns: human-readable (English) equivalent This function will return a human-readable string describing a length of time, given a number of seconds. .. py:class:: ComparableMixin This mixin class adds comparability to a subclass. Use it like this:: class Widget(FactoryProduct, ComparableMixin): compare_attrs = [ 'radius', 'thickness' ] # ... Any attributes not in ``compare_attrs`` will not be considered when comparing objects. This is particularly useful in implementing buildbot's reconfig logic, where a simple comparison between the new and existing objects can determine whether the new object should replace the existing object. .. py:function:: safeTranslate(str) :param str: input string :returns: safe version of the input This function will filter out some inappropriate characters for filenames; it is suitable for adapting strings from the configuration for use as filenames. It is not suitable for use with strings from untrusted sources. .. py:function:: epoch2datetime(epoch) :param epoch: an epoch time (integer) :returns: equivalent datetime object Convert a UNIX epoch timestamp to a Python datetime object, in the UTC timezone. Note that timestamps specify UTC time (modulo leap seconds and a few other minor details). .. py:function:: datetime2epoch(datetime) :param datetime: a datetime object :returns: equivalent epoch time (integer) Convert an arbitrary Python datetime object into a UNIX epoch timestamp. .. py:data:: UTC A ``datetime.tzinfo`` subclass representing UTC time. A similar class has finally been added to Python in version 3.2, but the implementation is simple enough to include here. This is mostly used in tests to create timezone-aware datetime objects in UTC:: dt = datetime.datetime(1978, 6, 15, 12, 31, 15, tzinfo=UTC) .. py:function:: diffSets(old, new) :param old: old set :type old: set or iterable :param new: new set :type new: set or iterable :returns: a tuple, (removed, added) This function compares two sets of objects, returning elements that were added and elements that were removed. This is largely a convenience function for reconfiguring services. .. py:function:: makeList(input) :param input: a thing :returns: a list of zero or more things This function is intended to support the many places in Buildbot where the user can specify either a string or a list of strings, but the implementation wishes to always consider lists. It converts any string to a single-element list, ``None`` to an empty list, and any iterable to a list. Input lists are copied, avoiding aliasing issues. .. py:function:: now() :returns: epoch time (integer) Return the current time, using either ``reactor.seconds`` or ``time.time()``. .. py:function:: flatten(list) :param list: potentially nested list :returns: flat list Flatten nested lists into a list containing no other lists. For example: .. code-block:: none >>> flatten([ [ 1, 2 ], 3, [ [ 4 ] ] ]) [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] Note that this looks strictly for lists -- tuples, for example, are not flattened. .. py:function:: none_or_str(obj) :param obj: input value :returns: string or ``None`` If ``obj`` is not None, return its string representation. .. py:data:: NotABranch This is a sentinel value used to indicate that no branch is specified. It is necessary since schedulers and change sources consider ``None`` a valid name for a branch. This is generally used as a default value in a method signature, and then tested against with ``is``:: if branch is NotABranch: pass # ... .. py:function:: in_reactor(fn) This decorator will cause the wrapped function to be run in the Twisted reactor, with the reactor stopped when the function completes. It returns the result of the wrapped function. If the wrapped function fails, its traceback will be printed, the reactor halted, and ``None`` returned. buildbot.util.lru ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.lru .. py:class:: LRUCache(miss_fn, max_size=50): :param miss_fn: function to call, with key as parameter, for cache misses. The function should return the value associated with the key argument, or None if there is no value associated with the key. :param max_size: maximum number of objects in the cache. This is a simple least-recently-used cache. When the cache grows beyond the maximum size, the least-recently used items will be automatically removed from the cache. This cache is designed to control memory usage by minimizing duplication of objects, while avoiding unnecessary re-fetching of the same rows from the database. All values are also stored in a weak valued dictionary, even after they have expired from the cache. This allows values that are used elsewhere in Buildbot to "stick" in the cache in case they are needed by another component. Weak references cannot be used for some types, so these types are not compatible with this class. Note that dictionaries can be weakly referenced if they are an instance of a subclass of ``dict``. If the result of the ``miss_fn`` is ``None``, then the value is not cached; this is intended to avoid caching negative results. This is based on `Raymond Hettinger's implementation `_, licensed under the PSF license, which is GPL-compatiblie. .. py:attribute:: hits cache hits so far .. py:attribute:: refhits cache misses found in the weak ref dictionary, so far .. py:attribute:: misses cache misses leading to re-fetches, so far .. py:attribute:: max_size maximum allowed size of the cache .. py:method:: get(key, \*\*miss_fn_kwargs) :param key: cache key :param miss_fn_kwargs: keyword arguments to the ``miss_fn`` :returns: value via Deferred Fetch a value from the cache by key, invoking ``miss_fn(key, **miss_fn_kwargs)`` if the key is not in the cache. Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the ``miss_fn`` as keyword arguments; these can supply additional information relating to the key. It is up to the caller to ensure that this information is functionally identical for each key value: if the key is already in the cache, the ``miss_fn`` will not be invoked, even if the keyword arguments differ. .. py:method:: put(key, value) :param key: key at which to place the value :param value: value to place there Update the cache with the given key and value, but only if the key is already in the cache. The purpose of this method is to insert a new value into the cache *without* invoking the miss_fn (e.g., to avoid unnecessary overhead). .. py:method set_max_size(max_size) :param max_size: new maximum cache size Change the cache's maximum size. If the size is reduced, cached elements will be evicted. This method exists to support dynamic reconfiguration of cache sizes in a running process. .. py:method:: inv() Check invariants on the cache. This is intended for debugging purposes. .. py:class:: AsyncLRUCache(miss_fn, max_size=50): :param miss_fn: This is the same as the miss_fn for class LRUCache, with the difference that this function *must* return a Deferred. :param max_size: maximum number of objects in the cache. This class has the same functional interface as LRUCache, but asynchronous locking is used to ensure that in the common case of multiple concurrent requests for the same key, only one fetch is performed. buildbot.util.bbcollections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.bbcollections This package provides a few useful collection objects. .. note:: This module used to be named ``collections``, but without absolute imports (:pep:`328`), this precluded using the standard library's ``collections`` module. .. py:class:: defaultdict This is a clone of the Python :class:`collections.defaultdict` for use in Python-2.4. In later versions, this is simply a reference to the built-in :class:`defaultdict`, so buildbot code can simply use :class:`buildbot.util.collections.defaultdict` everywhere. .. py:class:: KeyedSets This is a collection of named sets. In principal, it contains an empty set for every name, and you can add things to sets, discard things from sets, and so on. :: >>> ks = KeyedSets() >>> ks['tim'] # get a named set set([]) >>> ks.add('tim', 'friendly') # add an element to a set >>> ks.add('tim', 'dexterous') >>> ks['tim'] set(['friendly', 'dexterous']) >>> 'tim' in ks # membership testing True >>> 'ron' in ks False >>> ks.discard('tim', 'friendly')# discard set element >>> ks.pop('tim') # return set and reset to empty set(['dexterous']) >>> ks['tim'] set([]) This class is careful to conserve memory space - empty sets do not occupy any space. buildbot.util.eventual ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.eventual This function provides a simple way to say "please do this later". For example:: from buildbot.util.eventual import eventually def do_what_I_say(what, where): # ... return d eventually(do_what_I_say, "clean up", "your bedroom") The package defines "later" as "next time the reactor has control", so this is a good way to avoid long loops that block other activity in the reactor. .. py:function:: eventually(cb, *args, \*\*kwargs) :param cb: callable to invoke later :param args: args to pass to ``cb`` :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to ``cb`` Invoke the callable ``cb`` in a later reactor turn. Callables given to :func:`eventually` are guaranteed to be called in the same order as the calls to :func:`eventually` -- writing ``eventually(a); eventually(b)`` guarantees that ``a`` will be called before ``b``. Any exceptions that occur in the callable will be logged with ``log.err()``. If you really want to ignore them, provide a callable that catches those exceptions. This function returns None. If you care to know when the callable was run, be sure to provide a callable that notifies somebody. .. py:function:: fireEventually(value=None) :param value: value with which the Deferred should fire :returns: Deferred This function returns a Deferred which will fire in a later reactor turn, after the current call stack has been completed, and after all other Deferreds previously scheduled with :py:func:`eventually`. The returned Deferred will never fail. .. py:function:: flushEventualQueue() :returns: Deferred This returns a Deferred which fires when the eventual-send queue is finally empty. This is useful for tests and other circumstances where it is useful to know that "later" has arrived. buildbot.util.json ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.json This package is just an import of the best available JSON module. Use it instead of a more complex conditional import of :mod:`simplejson` or :mod:`json`:: from buildbot.util import json buildbot.util.maildir ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.maildir Several Buildbot components make use of `maildirs `_ to hand off messages between components. On the receiving end, there's a need to watch a maildir for incoming messages and trigger some action when one arrives. .. py:class:: MaildirService(basedir) :param basedir: (optional) base directory of the maildir A :py:class:`MaildirService` instance watches a maildir for new messages. It should be a child service of some :py:class:`~twisted.application.service.MultiService` instance. When running, this class uses the linux dirwatcher API (if available) or polls for new files in the 'new' maildir subdirectory. When it discovers a new message, it invokes its :py:meth:`messageReceived` method. To use this class, subclass it and implement a more interesting :py:meth:`messageReceived` function. .. py:method:: setBasedir(basedir) :param basedir: base directory of the maildir If no ``basedir`` is provided to the constructor, this method must be used to set the basedir before the service starts. .. py:method:: messageReceived(filename) :param filename: unqualified filename of the new message This method is called with the short filename of the new message. The full name of the new file can be obtained with ``os.path.join(maildir, 'new', filename)``. The method is un-implemented in the :py:class:`MaildirService` class, and must be implemented in subclasses. .. py:method:: moveToCurDir(filename) :param filename: unqualified filename of the new message :returns: open file object Call this from :py:meth:`messageReceived` to start processing the message; this moves the message file to the 'cur' directory and returns an open file handle for it. buildbot.util.misc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.misc .. py:function:: deferredLocked(lock) :param lock: a :py:class:`twisted.internet.defer.DeferredLock` instance or a string naming an instance attribute containing one This is a decorator to wrap an event-driven method (one returning a ``Deferred``) in an acquire/release pair of a designated :py:class:`~twisted.internet.defer.DeferredLock`. For simple functions with a static lock, this is as easy as:: someLock = defer.DeferredLock() @util.deferredLocked(someLock) def someLockedFunction(): # .. return d For class methods which must access a lock that is an instance attribute, the lock can be specified by a string, which will be dynamically resolved to the specific instance at runtime:: def __init__(self): self.someLock = defer.DeferredLock() @util.deferredLocked('someLock') def someLockedFunction(): # .. return d .. py:class:: SerializedInvocation(method) This is a method wrapper that will serialize calls to an asynchronous method. If a second call occurs while the first call is still executing, it will not begin until the first call has finished. If multiple calls queue up, they will be collapsed into a single call. The effect is that the underlying method is guaranteed to be called at least once after every call to the wrapper. Note that if this class is used as a decorator on a method, it will serialize invocations across all class instances. For synchronization specific to each instance, wrap the method in the constructor:: def __init__(self): self.someMethod = SerializedInovcation(self.someMethod) Tests can monkey-patch the ``_quiet`` method of the class to be notified when all planned invocations are complete. buildbot.util.netstrings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.netstrings Similar to maildirs, `netstrings `_ are used occasionally in Buildbot to encode data for interchange. While Twisted supports a basic netstring receiver protocol, it does not have a simple way to apply that to a non-network situation. .. py:class:: NetstringParser This class parses strings piece by piece, either collecting the accumulated strings or invoking a callback for each one. .. py:method:: feed(data) :param data: a portion of netstring-formatted data :raises: :py:exc:`twisted.protocols.basic.NetstringParseError` Add arbitrariliy-sized ``data`` to the incoming-data buffer. Any complete netstrings will trigger a call to the :py:meth:`stringReceived` method. Note that this method (like the Twisted class it is based on) cannot detect a trailing partial netstring at EOF - the data will be silently ignored. .. py:method:: stringReceived(string): :param string: the decoded string This method is called for each decoded string as soon as it is read completely. The default implementation appends the string to the :py:attr:`strings` attribute, but subclasses can do anything. .. py:attribute:: strings The strings decoded so far, if :py:meth:`stringReceived` is not overridden. buildbot.util.sautils ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.sautils This module contains a few utilities that are not included with SQLAlchemy. .. py:class:: InsertFromSelect(table, select) :param table: table into which insert should be performed :param select: select query from which data should be drawn This class is taken directly from SQLAlchemy's `compiler.html `_, and allows a Pythonic representation of ``INSERT INTO .. SELECT ..`` queries. .. py:function:: sa_version() Return a 3-tuple representing the SQLAlchemy version. Note that older versions that did not have a ``__version__`` attribute are represented by ``(0,0,0)``. buildbot.util.subscription ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The classes in the :py:mod:`buildbot.util.subscription` module are used for master-local subscriptions. In the near future, all uses of this module will be replaced with message-queueing implementations that allow subscriptions and subscribers to span multiple masters. buildbot.util.croniter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module is a copy of https://github.com/taichino/croniter, and provides suport for converting cron-like time specifications into actual times. buildbot.util.state ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:module:: buildbot.util.state The classes in the :py:mod:`buildbot.util.subscription` module are used for dealing with object state stored in the database. .. py:class:: StateMixin This class provides helper methods for accessing the object state stored in the database. .. py:attribute:: name This must be set to the name to be used to identifiy this object in the database. .. py:attribute:: master This must point to the :py:class:`BuildMaster` object. .. py:method:: getState(name, default) :param name: name of the value to retrieve :param default: (optional) value to return if `name` is not present :returns: state value via a Deferred :raises KeyError: if `name` is not present and no default is given :raises TypeError: if JSON parsing fails Get a named state value from the object's state. .. py:method:: getState(name, value) :param name: the name of the value to change :param value: the value to set - must be a JSONable object :param returns: Deferred :raises TypeError: if JSONification fails Set a named state value in the object's persistent state. Note that value must be json-able.